The North-West Regional Development Agency organized on Thursday, June 30, 2022, in Turda, the meeting of the Regional Committee of Representatives for the capitalization of historical heritage within the project Revitalization of Fortress Cities (RFC), financed by the Interreg Europe program.

The members of the project team from the North-West ADR, the mayor of Turda, Mr. Cristian Matei, Mrs. Codruța Bungărdean, Head of the External Financing and International Relations Service, accompanied by a large team of experts from the technical department, a delegation from the Baia Mare municipality led by by the vice-mayor Pap Zsolt István, the director of the Turda History Museum, Mr. Dan Matei, archaeologists and university professors from the Faculty of History and Philosophy of Babeș Bolyai University.

The meeting was hosted by the town hall of the Turda municipality, with the mayor pointing out in the opening the special potential of the area, the main heritage objectives in various stages of conservation or rehabilitation and the importance of international collaborations in which the municipality of Turda is involved. The North-West ADR team, together with the external expert Dr. Arhg. Csók Zsolt, presented the exchange of best practices and expertise transfer activities carried out for 3 years, the results and Action Plan proposed for the capitalization of the heritage in the region, consistent with the funding opportunities available until the summer of 2023.
The plenary session was followed by a guided visit to The Roman Potaissa fort, a strategic heritage objective, undergoing rehabilitation, which will be returned to the tourist circuit starting in 2024, through an ongoing project, financed by the Regional Operational Program 2014-2020, Priority Axis 5 "Improving the urban environment and preserving, protecting and the sustainable valorization of cultural heritage". During the guided tour, Prof. Dr. Sorin Nemeti presented, step by step, the evolution of the archaeological site, the significance of each of its areas, the rehabilitation plans and the challenges the team faces in the implementation of the castro rehabilitation project.

The visit to the castle was completed by a tour of the collections hosted by Turda History Museum, the great majority discovered as a result of the archaeological missions in the area of the Roman fort, but also during road infrastructure works.

We thank the hosts for the welcome and promotion and invite you to watch a short video summary of the event:
Article by:
Ovidiu Mărginean, communication expert
Andreea Coptil, implementation expert