The orientation document on the development of marginalized urban communities, in public consultation

The Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds has launched a public consultation guidance document for the Local Action Groups (LAGs) regarding the implementation of the Local Development Strategies intended for marginalized urban communities, within the III stage of the Local Development under Community Responsibility (DLRC) mechanism.

The document includes useful guidelines for urban LAGs, so that they can successfully fulfill their duties within the implementation process of the DLRC Local Development Strategies, in accordance with the provisions of art. 34 of Regulation (EU) No. 1303/2013, marking the main stages of the DLRC mechanism after the approval for SDL financing, until the submission of the projects in the MYSMIS computer system, with a view to their approval by the responsible Management Authority.

In the orientation document, the mandatory elements that the LAGs must comply with in the process of evaluating and selecting project proposals, in accordance with the specifics of the two financing Operational Programs (the Human Capital Operational Program and the Regional Operational Program), are outlined, namely :

– the content of the evaluation and selection procedure;

– mandatory elements of calls for project proposals;

– the mandatory minimum content of the project proposal sheets;

– the minimum eligibility criteria.

The LAGs whose strategies will be accepted for financing by the Joint Selection Committee will comply with the provisions of these Guidelines throughout the SDL implementation process.

Observations/proposals regarding the improvement of the document should be sent by 3.11.2017, to the e-mail address:

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