About us
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About us
general direction
DIPOR 2014-2020
General direction
DAMPRNV 2021-2027
Economic Unit
Unit for Health Programme
Director Executiv DIPOR
Maria Ramona Abrudean
Executive director
Project Expenditure Verification Department
Timea Beata Toth Verestoi
Interim Head of Department
Elena Luca
Expert with the role of contract officer
Teodora Cristina Biriș
Expert with the role of contract officer
Dumitru Ion Ciupac
Expert with the role of contract officer
Attila Csurka
Expert with the role of contract officer
Adina Dumitru
Expert with the role of contract officer
Monica Gorcea
Expert with the role of contract officer
Monica Maria Hodor
Operations records officer
Daniel Dumitru Jurcuț
Expert with the role of contract officer
Sorina Alexandra Otgon
Expert with the role of contract officer
Roxana Ionela Martin
Expert with the role of contract officer
Bianca Comănese
Expert with the role of contract officer
Alexandra Cătană
Expert with the role of contract officer
Luminița Sucala
Expert with the role of contract officer
Ioana Tăbăcaru
Expert with the role of contract officer
Alina Teaha
Expert with the role of contract officer
Dan Traian Crăciun
Expert with the role of contract officer
Public Procurement and Conflict of Interest Verification Department
Ioana Adriana Pop
Head of department
Emoke Ibolya Kerekes
Expert cu rol de ofițer de achiziții
Alina Laura Mărginean
Expert cu rol de ofițer de achiziții
Robert Czumbel
Document flow management referent
Department of Payment Flow Management and Priority Projects Monitoring
Raul Valeriu Pop
Interim Head of Department
Florin George Feher
Monitoring officer
Adrian Chesa
Monitoring officer
Bogdan Tudor Perţa
Monitoring officer
Cătălin Ioan Şanta
Expert cu rol de ofițer de monitorizare
Project Monitoring Department
Mioara Claudia Albui
Monitoring officer
Niculina Brilinschi
Monitoring officer
Ana Maria Zamfirescu
Document flow management referent
Abel Coblisan
Monitoring officer
Ovidiu Ghiurco
Program Coordinator with the role of Monitoring Officer
Alina Camelia Hacicu
Monitoring officer
Claudia Petrica Manolache
Program Coordinator with the role of Monitoring Officer
Petru Miculaș
Monitoring officer
Cristian Negucioiu
Monitoring officer
Dorin Vasile Orosan
Monitoring officer
Alexandru Tudor
Monitoring officer
Tudor Nicolae Pălincaș Sav
Monitoring officer
Mihai George Vandici
Monitoring officer
Ionică Cristian Pop
Program Coordinator with the role of Monitoring Officer
Mihaela Diana Gutiu
Monitoring officer
Dumitru Sim
Monitoring officer
Ciprian Vasile Tăut
Monitoring officer
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