The purchase of team building organization services for the employees of ADR NV




Purpose of purchase: The purchase of team building organization services for the employees of ADR NV

  • Improving relations within/inter-groups/directions/departments;
  • Improving horizontal and vertical communication within the organization;
  • Encouraging participation, collaboration and teamwork;
  • Facilitating the exchange of opinions, ideas, etc.;

location: Băile Felix, Bihor county

Period: December 15-16, 2022

Details/Attachments: Technical specifications and agenda

Estimated value in lei without VAT: 130,000 lei + VAT

Funding source: AP 12 – Technical Assistance POR

CPV code: 60170000-0, 55100000-1, 55300000-3, 55120000-7, 79951000-5



The event's agenda


Thursday, December 15

8:30 Departure from Cluj-Napoca

11:30 Hotel check-in

12:00 Lunch

13:00 POR Seminar 2014 – 2020 – First part

14:30 Coffee Break

15:00 Team Building Activities

18:00 POR 2014 – 2020 Seminar – Second part

20:00 Festive dinner


Friday, December 16

 9:00 POR 2014 – 2020 Seminar

12:00 Lunch

13:00 Departure to Cluj-Napoca


  1. Traveling

It will be done in a large group (coach) depending on the final number of participants.

  • The price offer will be presented for coach transport, classification of at least three stars, for a maximum of 150 participants;
  • Duration: 2 days, as follows:
    • December 15, 2022: Cluj-Napoca – Băile Felix;
    • December 16, 2022: Băile Felix – Cluj-Napoca.


The contracting authority does not provide accommodation and meals for the drivers during the event.

  1. Minimum specifications for accommodation, meals and organization services
  •  Accommodation is requested for each participant for one night, single regime, with breakfast (December 16), two lunches included (December 15 and 16) and festive dinner (December 15), in a hotel complex classified according to the legislation in force, with recommendations: minimum grade 8.5 on Accommodation services will also provide access to an indoor or outdoor pool with heated or geothermal water. Parking will be provided for coaches and cars of the participants within the limits of available places.


  • For accommodation services, the accommodation chart will be presented, signed and stamped by the accommodation unit. This will include the names of the people who benefited from the accommodation, so as to reflect the provision of accommodation for the participants with the correct highlighting of the number of charged rooms and the period of accommodation.


  • The hotel complex will have a restaurant with a capacity of at least 150 people for breakfast and lunch. A festive dinner will be organized within the hotel complex according to the requirements set out in point 3 below.


  • Sală de evenimente cu o capacitate de minimum 150 de persoane pentru organizarea seminariilor POR 2014-2020 și activităților de team building din cadrul agendei de la pagina 1. Sala va fi amenajată în stil ballroom și va dispune de sistem de proiecție (proiector și ecran) și sonorizare.


  • Vor fi oferite servicii de organizare și suport pentru buna desfășurarea a seminariilor POR 2014-2020 și a activităților de team building coordonate de către echipa formată din experții de comunicare și resurse umane din cadrul agenției pentru atingerea următoarelor obiective: autocunoaștere și cunoașterea membrilor echipei, orientarea echipei spre obiective comune, creșterea gradului de încredere în colegi și organizație. Prestatorul va asigura supervizarea bunei desfășurări a serviciilor din Ziua 1 + Ziua 2, organizarea și alocarea resurselor necesare pentru buna organizare și ulterior desfășurare a evenimentului, prezența a cel puțin unei persoane pe întreaga durată a evenimentului (Ziua 1 + Ziua 2) responsabilă de aspecte referitoare la organizare și logistică, primirea și înregistrarea participanților, pregătirea sălilor pentru activitățile de pe parcursul agendei, sonorizare (boxe, microfoane wireless, mixer audio, echipamente pentru redarea sunetului). Se va asigura transportul, montajul și reglarea echipamentelor audio, acestea trebuie să corespundă, tehnic și calitativ, spațiului dedicat fiecărei activități. Coordonatorul sau coordonatorii tehnici nominalizați de către Prestator, cu experiență în organizarea de evenimente, vor superviza serviciile prestate în cadrul evenimentului, inclusiv buna furnizare a serviciilor de masă, iar acesta va păstra în permanență legătura cu reprezentanții Autorității Contractante.


  • The offer will be presented considering the price for each service/participant for an estimated number of 150 people according to the requirements of point 4. The final number of participants will be announced at least three days before the event.
  1. Menu


  • Day 1

      - Lunch will be served in the same location as the hotel complex in Băile Felix. The restaurant/dining room will have a capacity of at least 150 people. The offer will include a full menu: soup, main course, garnish for main course, bakery products, dessert, plain/mineral water. A fasting/vegetarian menu option will also be included.


      • Coffee Break buffet, set up in the team building area, for 150 people:
  • Coffee, milk, glasses/cups, white/brown sugar;
  • Still and carbonated mineral water;
  • Tea 3 varieties, hot water, white/brown sugar;
  • Sweet/savory pastry;
  • Napkins, spoons or accessories for preparing sweetened drinks.


      • The festive dinner will take place in the same location as the hotel complex in Băile Felix. The restaurant/dining room will have a capacity of at least 150 people. The offer will include a full menu: appetizer platter, main course, side dish for main course, baked goods, cake, fruit, selection of soft drinks, still/mineral water. A fasting/vegetarian menu option will also be included.


  • Day 2

      – Continental breakfast: cheeses, cold meats, scrambled eggs, cereals, jam, butter, cakes, pastries, milk, tea, coffee, natural juices, mineral/still water.


     - Lunch will be served in the same location as the hotel complex in Băile Felix. The restaurant/dining room will have a capacity of at least 150 people. The offer will include a full menu: soup, main course, garnish for main course, bakery products, dessert, plain/mineral water. A fasting/vegetarian menu option will also be included.


  1. Menu structure
  • Lunch meals will include hot food, dessert and non-alcoholic beverages.



  • The dinner will include a complete package intended for a festive dinner.


Depending on the number of requests, a vegetarian/fasting menu option will be provided.

The number of participants will be announced at least three days before the event. The value of the services actually provided (activities, transport, meals, accommodation) will be paid, based on the signed list of participants.

The attendance list will contain a breakdown of transport, accommodation and meal services, for each individual day, which each participant will benefit from, according to the table below.


Name surname





Lunch Day 1

Festive dinner

Lunch day 2













  1. The financial offer will contain the costs grouped as follows:

– Accommodation cost/person with and without VAT

– Coach capacity, number of coaches, transport cost/coach with and without VAT

– Cost per meal / person with and without VAT

– Cost of coffee break/person with and without VAT

– Cost of event organization services with and without VAT

– Total cost with and without VAT


The menu options are sent in detail for all days.

Award criteria: the lowest price / total offer, subject to the full fulfillment of the requirements and technical specifications. 


Contract: YES

Offer submission deadline 29.11.2022 2 PM

Offers are sent by email to the address

The language of the offer is Romanian.


Additional information can be obtained from the Contracting Authority: ADR Nord-Vest, secondary headquarters in Cluj-Napoca, str. Dorobantilor no 3, code 400118, phone +40264431550, fax: +40 264439222, email to the attention of the Public Procurement Office.


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