North West and North East Regions: Applicant Guide for Priority Axis 1, Investment Priority 1.2 – Promotion of technological transfer, in public consultation

The Management Authority for the Regional Operational Program (POR) published on 08/29/2018 for public consultation, the "Applicant's Guide. Specific conditions for accessing funds under the call for projects with the title POR/2018/1/1.2/1/Less-developed Regions initiative/, Priority axis 1 - Promotion of technological transfer, Investment priority 1.2 - "Increasing innovation in companies by supporting of the multisectoral approaches resulting from the implementation of the "Less Developed Regions Initiative" in Romania, POR 2014-2020, call dedicated to the North East and North West development regions.

Any comments and proposals can be sent to the address, until 28/09/2018.

The specific objective of this investment priority is to support the portfolio of projects related to regional specialization strategies, aiming to increase the degree of innovation in companies in order to develop the regional innovation ecosystem.
Within the call for projects, integrated projects resulting from the implementation of the activities of the Less Developed Regions Initiative will be supported, especially in the NE and NW regions. Through the respective projects, the market introduction of the research results is aimed at involving the key actors identified within the quadruple helix (central and local administration, educational institutions, educational and research entities, representatives of the business environment, SMEs, entrepreneurs, investors, civil society, etc.), targeting the areas of intelligent specialization at the regional level. The projects will have a multidisciplinary approach bringing a contribution to the development of several areas of intelligent specialization identified at the regional level.
The budget allocated to the call for projects is 58,823,532 million euros, and the list of projects is pre-identified at the regional level following the application of the "Less Developed Regions Initiative" mechanism in Romania.

The specific guide will be finalized at the AMPOR level in accordance with the applicable scheme of aid measures and respectively by inserting the comments resulting from the public consultation stage.
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The Regional Operational Program ROP 2014-2020 follows the ROP 2007-2013 and is one of the programs through which Romania can access European structural and investment funds from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), during the current programming period.
ROP 2014 – 2020 is managed by the Management Authority for ROP within the Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds and was adopted by the European Commission on June 23, 2015. Its general objective is to increase economic competitiveness and improve the living conditions of local and regional communities, by supporting the development of the business environment, infrastructure and services, for the sustainable development of the regions, so that they can effectively manage their resources and capitalize on their potential for innovation and assimilation of technological progress.

These objectives have a total estimated allocation of 8.23 billion euros, of which 6.76 billion euros represent EU support, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and 1.6 billion euros – national contribution.


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Changes to the Applicant's Guide - Specific conditions for accessing funds within the project calls with the number POR/2018/13/13.1/1/7 REGIONS, POR/2018/13/13.1/1/ITI and POR/2018/13/13.1 /1/SUERD
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Changes to the Applicant's Guide - Specific conditions for accessing funds within the project calls with the number POR/2018/13/13.1/1/7 REGIONS, POR/2018/13/13.1/1/ITI and POR/2018/13/13.1 /1/SUERD
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