Inauguration of the Nursery and Kindergarten in Oradea I Industrial Park

The General Director of ADR Nord-West, Marcel Ioan Boloș, participated on Wednesday, June 30, at the inauguration of the Nursery and Kindergarten in Oradea I Industrial Park. The educational unit has a capacity of 120 places, of which 40 are for nursery children and 80 for those of the kindergarten, is a new and modern building that meets the needs of the employees of the industrial park who will find it easier to bring their children to the nursery or kindergarten near the workplace.

The "Construction of the Nursery and Kindergarten in the Industrial Park I, with the equipment of the educational infrastructure for early pre-school and preschool education in the Municipality of Oradea" is financed by the Regional Operational Program 2014 - 2020, Priority Axis 4 - Supporting sustainable urban development, Investment Priority 4.4 - Investments in education, training, including vocational training for skills acquisition and lifelong learning through the development of education and training infrastructures, OS 4.4 – Increasing the quality of the infrastructure in order to ensure increased access to early education and support the participation of parents in the labor market.

The total value of the project is 6,804,035 lei, of which the non-refundable eligible value from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) is 3,564,073 lei.

The specific objectives of the project are:

  • The construction of a new building intended for a nursery (2 classes) and a kindergarten (4 classes) with a total useful area of 1881.18 sqm, as well as its corresponding equipment.
  • Increasing the capacity of the supported education infrastructure (pre-school and preschool education) with a number of 120 newly created places that will be occupied within 3 years of the investment completion.
  • The construction of a multifunctional hall integrated into the newly constructed building, necessary for carrying out specific activities for the future participants in the educational process, which will be able to be used through a group hall specially organized for this purpose.
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Inauguration of the Nursery and Kindergarten in Oradea I Industrial Park
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