The specific guide PI 2.2 within Priority Axis 2 – Improving the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises, Investment Priority 2.2 – Supporting the creation and expansion of advanced production capacities and the development of services

The specific guide PI 2.2 within Priority Axis 2 – Improving the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises, Investment Priority 2.2 – Supporting the creation and expansion of advanced production capacities and the development of services- (full archive with annexes) was published on December 23, 2016.

PI specific guide 2.2


The non-reimbursable financing can be a maximum of 70% for micro-enterprises and a maximum of 60% for small and medium-sized enterprises, for companies from Northern Transylvania, which can access a total of 24.78 million Euros. The value of the non-refundable financing granted is a minimum of 200,000 euros and a maximum of 1 million euros.

The place of implementation of the project is located in the urban environment (including villages belonging to cities) for SMEs, in the rural environment for medium-sized enterprises.

Date and time of project application opening: 23.02.2017, 12:00

Date and time of closing the project request: 23.08.2017, 12:00

Investments eligible for co-financing through this program include:
• Investments financed by regional state aid:
o Construction, expansion of production/service spaces;
o Endowment with tangible and intangible assets, including marketing tools
Modernization works can be considered eligible only to the extent that they are related to an initial investment that consists of construction/expansion/equipment with tangible assets of production premises/services.
Investments financed through regional state aid are eligible only if they represent initial investments, in the sense of the provisions of Regulation (EU) no. 651/2014 of the Commission of 17 June 2014, declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the internal market in application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty.
• Investments that can be financed through de minimis aid: Implementation of the certification/recertification process of products, services or different specific processes, quality management systems, environment or health; Internationalization (participation, at the international level, outside of Romania, at
fairs, trade missions, exhibitions, as an exhibitor).

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The specific guide PI 2.2 within Priority Axis 2 – Improving the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises, Investment Priority 2.2 – Supporting the creation and expansion of advanced production capacities and the development of services
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