What are the results that #TransilvaniadeNord recorded in the field of public health and social services in the 10 years since Romania's accession to the European Union?

What are the results that #Northern Transylvania registered them in the field of public health and social services in the 10 years since Romania's accession to the European Union?
In the first 10 years since Romania has been a member of the European Union, important steps have been taken in Northern Transylvania to improve the quality of life:
🏥 14 were rehabilitated #hospitals, in which z benefitsilnic of medical services, on average, 2816 people.
🏬 30 were modernized #centres #social, which support 3500 beneficiaries.
The projects implemented and the positive results obtained confirm the major benefits of joining the EU and encourage the continuation of efforts for the good development of the region.
#10yearsROinEU 1TP4Health #social

INFOGRAFIC 2 Aprilie - Koncylion

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