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The Management Authority for the Regional Operational Program (POR) published, today, December 3, the Applicant's Guide - Specific conditions for accessing funds within the call for projects "POR/8/8.1/B/1/7 regions" within the Priority Axis 8 - "Development of health and social infrastructure", Investment priority 8.1 - "Investments in health and social infrastructures that contribute to development at the national, regional and local level, reducing inequalities in terms of health status, promoting social inclusion through access to social, cultural and recreational services, as well as the transition from institutional services to services provided by communities", Specific Objective 8.2 - "Increasing the accessibility of health, community and secondary level services, especially for poor and isolated areas" , Operation B "Integrated community centers".

The document was approved by the order of the Minister of Public Works, Development and Administration and contains the specific information needed to launch the call for projects "POR/8/8.1/B/1/7 regions", regarding the specificity of the projects, the method of completion and submission of the funding request, eligibility conditions, evaluation criteria, a description of the stages of verification, evaluation, contracting of the projects. Also included are instructions for completing the Funding Application by applicants.
Funding applications are submitted using the electronic system - the MY SMIS application, and the call for projects will be launched on January 20, 2020, at 12:00 p.m., and will end on July 20, 2020, at 12:00 p.m. 
Between the date of publication of the Specific Guide on the website and the date of the launch of the call, AM POR will take the necessary steps to validate the call in MySMIS. This call will be non-competitive with a submission deadline of 6 months and is addressed to funding applicants who are on the List of 139 communities with above-average and severe marginalization (Annex 14 to the Specific Guide), which constitute the subject communities soft interventions regarding integrated community services. 
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POR 2014-2020 is one of the programs through which Romania can access European structural and investment funds from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), during the current programming period. The estimated allocation amounts to 21.070 million euros, of which 15.050 million euros are ERDF and 6.02 million euros national contribution (BS plus BL). The Program Management Authority operates at the MLPDA level.
POR 2014-2020 finances projects that contribute to the general objective of increasing economic competitiveness and improving the living conditions of local and regional communities, by supporting the development of the business environment, infrastructure and services, for the sustainable development of the regions, so that they and be able to effectively manage resources and capitalize on their potential for innovation and assimilation of technological progress.

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