The contract related to the "Construction of social housing (30 apartments)" project was signed

A fost semnat contractul aferent proiectului „Construire locuințe sociale (30 de apartamente)”, Beneficiar: Unitatea Administrativ Teritorială Municipiul Turda, cod SMIS 155656.

The project is financed by ROP 2014-2020, Priority Axis 9 – Supporting the economic and social regeneration of disadvantaged urban communities, Investment Priority 9.1 – Community-led Local Development (DLRC).

The project implementation period is 26 months, i.e. between 15.11.2021 and 31.12.2023, this also includes the period of project activities before the signing of the Financing Agreement, according to the rules of eligibility of expenses.

Valoarea totală a proiectului este de 7.155.585,68 lei, din care sprijinul financiar nerambursabil din Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regională este de 6.635.469,76 lei.

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The contract related to the project "Modernization of the infrastructure in order to create a counseling, training and vocational orientation center in the Municipality of Gherla" was signed.
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