Applicant's Guide – Specific conditions for accessing funds within the call for projects with number POR/2017/4/4.3/1
Extension of the deadline for submitting financing applications
În data de 21.12.2018, Ministerul Dezvoltării Regionale şi Administrației Publice (MDRAP) a emis ordinul de prelungire a termenului de depunere a cererilor de finanţare în cadrul apelului de proiecte cu numărul POR/2017/4/4.3/1, related to Priority Axis 4 – Supporting sustainable urban development, Obiectivul specific 4.3 – Oferirea de sprijin pentru regenerarea fizică, economică și socială a comunităților defavorizate din regiunile urbane și rurale, până la data de 29.03.2019, 12.00.
The rest of the conditions and provisions in the specific guide remain unchanged.
Totodată, se publica si situaţia depunerilor cererilor de finanţare în cadrul apelurilor aferente Axei prioritare 4 – Supporting sustainable urban development.
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The Regional Operational Program (POR) 2014-2020 is one of the programs through which Romania can access European structural and investment funds from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), during the current programming period. The estimated allocation amounts to 8.25 billion euros, of which 6.7 billion euros represent EU support, through the ERDF, and 1.5 billion euros – the national contribution. The Program Management Authority operates at the MDRAP level.
The Regional Operational Program (POR) 2014-2020 finances projects that contribute to the general objective of increasing economic competitiveness and improving the living conditions of local and regional communities, by supporting the development of the business environment, infrastructure and services, for the sustainable development of the regions, thus so that they can effectively manage their resources and capitalize on their potential for innovation and assimilation of technological progress.