The North-West Regional Development Agency, as an Enterprise Europe Network center, with the support of the European Commission (Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy), organizes, within the "Pilot Initiative for less developed regions", a training session Regarding the development and implementation of projects financed by the Horizon 2020 Program - Instrument for SMEs.

The training will take place in English language on the date of June 28, 2017 and will take place at Cluj-Napoca, being supported by the expert contracted by the European Commission Jonathan Loeffler, director of the Steinbeis Foundation in Germany.

during the day, participants will learn from theoretical presentations combined with practical exercises how to develop a successful application to obtain financing under this financing line. After the training, they will receive comments on the elaborated project ideas, the best ideas receiving additional support in order to develop and submit a concrete project.

Training is address representatives SMEs with innovative potential, from the Northwest Development Region, With priority, from the following areas: agri-food, cosmetics and food supplements, health, furniture, paper, plastic, packaging, manufacturing and metalworking technologies, IT&C.

Participation is free of charge, but conditional on registration until June 20, 2017 through completing the registration form accessible here: Places at this event are limited to a maximum of 18 participants. For this reason we encourage the registration of only one person from a company.

We reserve the right to give priority to SME representatives in the fields mentioned above.

The second session of this training will be organized in September, in another location in the region.


Downloadable documents/Attachments:

Brief description of the training and the Tool for SMEs Short training description







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