Purchase of insurance services

Agentia de Dezvoltare Regionala Nord-Vest, in calitate de Autoritate Contractanta, doreste sa achizitioneze servicii de asigurare imobil, respectiv servicii de asigurare sediu ADR Nord-Vest din localitatea Radaia nr 50 comuna Baciu, jud.Cluj,  a bunurilor continute si a instalatiilor si echipamentelor care asigura functionalitatea cladirii.

Valoarea estimata 5000 lei

Funding source: Own funds

CPV code: 66510000-8 Insurance services

Suma asigurata cladiri comerciale -2.700.000 lei

Suma asigurata mijloce fixe/obiecte de inventar-930.000 lei

Avarii accidentale ale instalatiilor si echipamentelor  care asigura functionalitatea cladirii-10.000 lei

Bidders will publish the offer in the SEAP electronic catalog, at the code CPV 66510000-8 Servicii de asigurare si va avea denumirea Asigurare sediu ADR N-V, or sent by email to the address secretariat@nord-vest.ro and/or nicoleta.glodan@nord-vest.ro Failure to comply with the name may lead to the impossibility of selecting the offers by the contracting authority.

The language of the offer is Romanian.

The criterion used for awarding the contract is The lowest price

Additional information can be obtained from the Contracting Authority: ADR Nord-Vest, secondary headquarters in Cluj-Napoca, str. Dorobantilor no 3, code 400118, phone +40264431550, fax: +40 264439222, email secretariat@nord-vest.ro to the attention of the Public Procurement Office.

Termen depunere oferte 21.02.2017


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Purchase of insurance services
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